Polyphenolic and Immunometric Profiling of Wheat Varieties: Impact of Organic and Conventional Farming on Allergenic and Bioactive Compounds

This study investigates the impact of organic and conventional farming on the allergenic and bioactive properties of wheat. The primary aim was to assess the immunometric parameters and polyphenolic composition in four varieties of winter and four varieties of spring wheat cultivated under both farming systems. Immunometric assays focused on gluten content, the allergenic QQQPP peptide, and the panallergenic profilin Tri a 12. While gluten levels (15–20 g/kg) showed no clear dependence on farming type, organic wheat exhibited a mild yet significant increase in QQQPP-dependent immunore activity in five samples (>20 µg/g). However, all organic wheat samples demonstrated a notable reduction in profilin content (<0.6 µg/g), suggesting that the type of wheat cultivation could influence allergenic risk for individuals with wheat-related allergies. Polyphenolic profiling revealed that kaempferol, p-coumaric acid, and gallic acid were the predominant compounds, with organic wheat displaying slightly higher polyphenol levels on average. Despite these differences, the variations were insufficient to determine a superior cultivation method. These findings highlight the potential allergenic and nutritional implications of organic versus conventional wheat farming.
wheat, gluten, profilin, polyphenols, allergy, agriculture
Molecules 2025, 30, 1313