Statistics for Biblioteka cyfrowa IUNG-PIB

Total visits

The agricultural and therapeutic potential of Lavatera thuringiaca L. (Malvaceae) 164
Do we speak one language on the way to sustainable soil management in Europe? A terminology check via an EU-wide survey. 145
How Does Specialization in Agricultural Production Affect Soil Health? 118
Productive, Environmental and Economic Effects of Organic and Conventional Farms—Case Study from Poland 109
Effectiveness of soil management strategies for mitigation of N2O emissions in European arable land: A meta-analysis 100
Influence of Nitrogen Fertilisation Level and Weather Conditions on Yield and Quantitative Profile of Anti-Nutritional Compounds in Grain of Selected Rye Cultivars 100
Integrating sustainability assessment tools with life cycle analysis for agroecological systems: A UK case study 97
Effect of strip-till and cultivar on photosynthetic parameters and grain yield of winter wheat 97
Comprehensive Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Flavonoids in Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Flowers and Food Products 95
Spring rye as a source of biomass and carbon in the soil 92