Renewable energy multipurpose system for farmers (RAMseS) – an environmental, technical and economic assessment with a comparison with a conventional thermodynamic vehicle

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El Asmar Toufic
Bardi Ugo
Karłowski Jerzy
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Instytut Uprawy Nawożenia i Gleboznawstwa – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
The main alternative to reduce the pollution derived from fossil fuels is to replace such fuels by means of renewable energy sources. The applied analysis through life cycle assess-ment showed that a vehicle powered by renewable energy sources, purely electric, battery driven, has considerable environmental and economic advantages over hybrid and/or conventional vehicles.In the present market conditions, the overall performance of an ICEV in economic terms is better than that of the RAMseS. Only when fuel prices reach 1.8 € L-1, RAMseS obtains paritywith the conventional system. The RAMSES investment can be recovered only if the net energy prices go up to above 0.35 € kWh-1 and 1.3 € kWh-1 respectively for RAMseS without EV and for RAMseS with the EV. Finally, the analysis shows that RAMseS payback period is maximum 9 years if net energy price does not get lower than 0.35 € kWh-1.
renevable power, air poluttion, electric vehicle