Bartos, AdrianMalik, AlicjaDiowksz, AnnaPodolska, GrażynaLeszczyńska, Joanna2024-08-192024-08-192024Bartos, A.; Malik, A.; Diowksz, A.; Podolska, G.; Leszczy´ nska, J. Evaluation of Sourdough Bread and Its Potential Use in Support of the Treatment of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases. Nutrients 2024, 16, 2485. https:// disorders dysregulate the biochemical environment of the gastrointestinaltract by altering pH conditions during the gastric phase of digestion or by reducing the secretionof pancreatin during the intestinal part of the process. Ingested functional food could thereforelose some of its health-promoting potential apart from its nutritional value. In this work, weaimed to manufacture bread marked by decreased gluten content, using a commercial or laboratorysourdough, that could be appropriate for patients afflicted with wheat allergy, hypertension andpancreatic malfunctions. A reference sample (no sourdough) was prepared alongside wheat andwheat–rye bread samples—produced with either commercial or laboratory sourdough (L. plantarumBS, L. brevis 1269, L. sanfranciscensis 20663). We measured the QQQPP allergen content (ELISA) inbread extracts digested in vitro and determined how these extracted components affect the level ofactive angiotensin and alpha amylase (spectrophotometry). We then elucidated how these propertieschanged when physiological digestion conditions (pH and pancreatin activity) were disturbed tomimic gastric hyperacidity, hypochlorhydria or exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. The key findingwas that every tested type of bread produced with laboratory sourdough exhibited pronouncedangiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition. The effect was preserved even in dysregulated digestiveconditions. The use of laboratory sourdough prevented an increase in allergenicity when pancreatinwas restricted as opposed to the commercial sourdough, which surpassed the reference samplereading at 50% pancreatin. No statistically consistent link was reported when the inhibition of alphaamylase was assayed. In conclusion, functional bread manufactured with sourdough composed ofL. plantarum BS, L. brevis 1269, and L. sanfranciscensis 20663 was shown to be potentially capable ofcontributing to the treatment against hypertension as evidenced by in vitro research. It was alsomoderately safer with regard to its allergenicity.enbreadglutenfermentationimmunoreactivityangiotensinalpha amylaseEvaluation of Sourdough Bread and Its Potential Use in Support of the Treatment of Chronic Non-Communicable DiseasesArticle