Siebielec, SylwiaSiebielec, Grzegorz2025-03-172025-03-172025-03-01Sustainability 2025, 17(5), 21352071-105010.3390/su17052135 of metals involves the inactivation of metals in the soil through the use of various materials as soil amendments, which reduces the bioavailability of metals, and then the introduction of vegetation. There are limited data comparing the effectiveness of different phytostabilization amendments under the same soil and environmental conditions. Therefore, the aim of this research was to compare the effectiveness of a range of soil amendments on reducing the extractability of metals, metal uptake by plants, microbial activity in soil and nutrient availability to plants. Eight materials potentially limiting metal availability were used in a pot experiment: two composts (CG, CM), municipal biosolids (SB), bentonite (BEN), phosphorus fertilizer (PF), amorphous iron oxide (FE), waste rock material (WR), calcium carbonate (LM); and these materials were compared with typical fertilization (NPK) and an untreated soil as the control (CTL). The following trace metal-contaminated soils were used in the pot experiment: soil taken from the area of strong dust fall from the zinc and lead smelter (soil P); soil taken from an outcrop of ore-bearing rocks near a smelter waste heap (soil H); soil artificially polluted through smelter dust spill in the 1990s (soil S). In general, the greatest yields of plants (oat and white mustard) were recorded for compost-treated soils. Changes in the solubility of zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) after the application of various amendments largely reflected changes in soil pH. Biosolids caused a significant increase in extractable Zn and Cd, which was related to the decrease in soil pH, while a significant reduction in Cd extractability was observed across soils after the application of both composts, especially the compost characterized by alkaline pH. Interestingly, low extractability of Cd in the soil with the addition of another compost was observed, despite the pH decrease, as compared to the control pots. This fact proves the high sorption capacity of the compost towards Cd. The microbiological analyses revealed the highly beneficial effect of composts for dehydrogenases and nitrification activities, and for soil respiration, whereas soil amendment with iron oxide caused an increase in respiration activity across soils.enphytostabilizationmetals of toxicological concernenzyme activitycompostmetal extractabilitysustainable remediationComparing Effects of Soil Amendments on Plant Growth and Microbial Activity in Metal-Contaminated SoilsArticle